I'm Back

Tuesday, October 23, 2007

I haven't posted anything lately, as you might have noticed. That is because I had a long trip to Romania, where I visited my family. I had a great time and I will post some photos in the following days.
Apart from that, classes started:(((( and well, they take up my precious free time..hehe.
Another great past-time in these last weeks was going to the Film Festival held in Mannheim and Heidelberg. We saw 5 films and my favorite was : Cover Boy !! It's an Italian-Romanian production about the romanians that go to Italy in hopes of a better life. The protagonist fulfilled his dream in a somehow unusual way. It's really worth watching !!
We also saw a lovely phantasy movie from Portugal and Mozambique, called Sleepwalking Land. I loved it !
Well, that's my short review on the past month:)


Anonymous said...

Glad to hear your trip went well. It's always nice to spend time with family. Cute pup pic too!

Champ said...

Hope your trip was nice, eager to know about that and the pics. posted nicely. nice page too.

Libdrone said...

the dog in the bumble bee costume is Adorable!

mikster said...

Welcome back... although I think this is the first time I've hit your blog.

Unknown said...

So cute, i never imagined a dog could be so adorable... is that an infant costume or really for dogs?

jon be me said...

Worms huh? Not far from here-Trier.
Yeah, I like "foreign" films...Most are better than my American films. How's Romania doing?

Fruity said...

I like greennnn..... just similar to mine! cute bumble bulldog

Anonymous said...

I just love that little pug dog.
Great Blog by the way. I'll be back for more.


Anonymous said...

Great blog. Also see that you are a pet lover.

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Would love for you and all your friends to sign up.


Hin Man said...

the outfit and the dog is insanely cute

Solicity Sock Monkey said...

Wow! I know that dog!

~Signed: Solicity Sock Monkey

awannabe said...

Were the films you watched subtitled, and do you think the Romanian/Italian
one would be available here in the US?