Whenever you feel depressed, down, lonely, this video is a great remedy!Try it!
One of my favorite songs/videos ever
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Posted by
Be patient, for the world is broad and wide
6:13 PM
Labels: remedy video bob marley favorite
Asian Paradox
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Be patient, for the world is broad and wide
6:09 PM
Labels: quit smoking green tea asian paradox disease cancer yale medicine researcher EGCG
First Romanian Class
As my blog will focus on traveling,I thought I could help you a bit by teaching you basic phrases of different languages, in case you need them in your journeys.You can therefore learn some languages onlineI will start with my native language:RomanianRomanian is a latin language,spoken in Romania and Moldova and wherever you cand find romanian 'colonies':)So,let me start with the basicsYES=DA NO=NU PLEASE=VA ROG THANK YOU=MULTUMESCHI!=CEAU!/SALUT!/BUNA! BYE!=CEAU!LA REVEDERE(formal)WHERE?=UNDE? WHO?=CINE? WHAT?=CE? WHEN?=CAND?HOW MUCH?=CAT?Now some essential phrasesDo you speak English?=Vorbiti engleza?How are you?=Ce faci?I am looking for...=Caut...I don't understand=Nu inteleg
Well, I hope this is at least a bit helpful for the begining.Please let me know if you are interested in learning more romanian, so I'll post more stuff.
Posted by
Be patient, for the world is broad and wide
6:07 PM
My new blog...
Hi everyone!This is my first blog entry.I hope I'll be able to provide everyone who visits my blog with valuable information on whatever it is they're interested in.I'm really excited about it and wish my blog a long and fulfilling life!
Posted by
Be patient, for the world is broad and wide
6:05 PM